2016-2017 Nominations

The OBPOA Nominating Committee will be meeting soon to determine a slate of officers for the 2016-2017 term. The committee will present a slate of officers to stand for election at the Annual Meeting in November (date TBA).

If you are interested in serving or know of a good candidate, please send  nominations to nominations@OldBraeswood.com by September 30. Committee members are Julie Cohn, John Eldridge, Dawn Gervais, Gisette Leathers and Dee Murray. The Executive Committee positions to be filled are: President, Vice President positions 1, 2 and 3, Secretary, Treasurer, and At-Large positions #1 and #2. Volunteers are also needed to serve as block captains and to help with social events and the National Trust tour in November. You may also contact the Old Braeswood POA office (info@oldbraeswood.com or 713-807-1787).

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