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Annual meeting 11/9

Old Braeswood POA Annual Meeting 7 p.m. Wed., November 9 2348 Maroneal Blvd. There will be reports on neighborhood matters and executive committee elections. Watch for your official meeting notice and related materials in the mail. Meeting notice, agenda,proxy,& absentee ballot here.   Minutes of April membership meeting here. Continue Reading

Survey Results

Survey Results August 2016 Last summer, Old Braeswood resident Marcella Watkins prepared a survey that was sent to all households in the neighborhood. The survey was intended as a tool for taking a measure of how people felt about the current services and opportunities provided by the Property Owners Association and about what changes they… Continue Reading

2016-2017 Nominations

The OBPOA Nominating Committee will be meeting soon to determine a slate of officers for the 2016-2017 term. The committee will present a slate of officers to stand for election at the Annual Meeting in November (date TBA). If you are interested in serving or know of a good candidate, please send  nominations to… Continue Reading