Garden Club

The Old Braeswood Garden Club provides a great array of programs and social events throughout the year.  You don’t have to be a gardener to join! There are 5 daytime meetings with speakers and three social dinner meetings (Fall Barbecue, Holiday Party, and Spring Flower Show).  To join the Garden Club, complete the Membership Form.  To be included in the Garden Club Yearbook, return the form and dues prior to June 1st.

Garden Club Has Designed a Mug!

Garden Club member Dee Murray  is the artist who designed a mug now available from Vice-President Annette Brown  (713 667-9187) for $15.00.  Any profit will go to the club’s charitable do nations. Member Krista Heidersbach inspired the wording on the mug, “Making our Neighborhood a Community Since 1939.”


Garden of  the Season Awarded to Jay Plotkin

The Spring 2017 Garden of the Season award winner is Jay Plotkin, whose front garden of the south side of the 2300 blk of Maroneal is full of flowers with a preponderance of every color of Azalea – it is eye popping. These Azalea bushes were planted years ago by Jay’s deceased wife. It is a special reminder of her love for her yard.

What a beautiful neighborhood we have and especially now with the spectacular blooming Azaleas in many yards in Old Braeswood. Be sure to get out and view these lovely yards before the blooms drop! We also wanted to mention the Seff family at 2300 block of Blue Bonnet, and our new neighbors, the Gilani family at 2300 blk of Glen Haven. The Azaleas are glorious! In addition, Linda Joekel at 2400 block of Bellefontaine deserves special mention for a beautiful assortment of spring flowers. Thanks, neighbors!