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Street Tree Planting Program
TREES FOR OLD BRAESWOOD is a project in conjunction with Trees for Houston to perfect the allees and groves of trees which line our streets. Such plantings not only enhance property values, but also strengthen bonds of neighborhood identity and unity. The attractiveness of our neighborhood depends not only upon the efforts of individual homeowners, but also upon the beauty imparted to our streets by well-planned street tree plantings.
The overall plan comprises some 1,800 trees, of which over half were in place before the current project began. Eight years ago, we kicked off our campaign to plant the remaining 900 trees needed. Through our program’s efforts more than 600 trees have been planted throughout the neighborhood, including our border streets.
It is remarkable how Kirby has already been transformed by these trees, signaling the leafy character of our neighborhood. This effect will continue to grow on our perimeter and neighborhood streets.
Recently, over 125 trees were planted on Morningside between Main and Holcombe.Things have gone well so far, but your continued support and participation are essential to our project.
If you need a street tree in front of your home and do not wish to wait until our program reaches your street, you may request that trees be planted this year using the order form on this page.
Contributions to our neighborhood planting and maintenance program are fully tax-deductible. Checks should be made payable to “Trees for Houston” with a notation of “OBPOA fund” in the memo line. Thank you in advance for your support.
Sincerely yours, Paul SandersTrees for Old Braeswood, Chairman x
“Green Sheet”
Old Braeswood is one of the most gracious neighborhoods in Houston, thanks to its historic homes, spacious lawns and beautiful mature trees. However, many of our street trees have died or are in decline or in some cases were never planted. While almost 1200 street trees are now in place (more than 345 planted since 2006), around 555 are still needed to complete the plan. “Street trees” are the trees of a coordinated species which line the streets in the area between the sidewalk and the curb, also known as the “parkway” or “tree lawn.” Volunteers have mapped existing street trees and identified the locations where street trees are needed. Street trees are lost every year due to age and damage from sidewalk and sprinkler system installations, construction, auto accidents, vandalism, drought, and public improvement projects. It is our objective to plant enough trees each year to complete and maintain a healthy arbor of street trees. Please help us achieve our goal by responding with a generous annual tax-deductible contribution made payable to our partner, Trees for Houston.
Seven things you can do to help expand and preserve our beautiful urban forest:
1. Make your annual tax-deductible contribution.2. Ensure that your trees receive adequate water during the drought. We are told that trees are exempt from the watering restrictions. However, over watering is just as dangerous as under watering, so please be sure to adjust your system or consult with a tree expert to ensure your trees receive the optimal amount of water. 3. If the specified street trees are not in place in front of your home, contact us to have them planted. 4. Keep other plant material out of the parkway. Shrubs and plantings rob street trees of the water and nutrients they need and diminish the visual effect of the street trees. 5. Don’t cut down a street tree without written permission from the City Forester (311). It’s a criminal offense and you may be prosecuted. 6. Consult a reputable forester before beginning construction of sidewalks, driveways, new homes or additions, and before installing irrigation systems and decorative lighting. Almost any type of construction within the drip line of a mature tree presents a risk to the life and health of the tree.