
The Old Braeswood Patrol is staffed by S.E.A.L. Security Solutions. The Patrol uses a marked, white, SUV police-type vehicle. The officers are drive and walk the neighborhood streets at varying hours throughout the week. Please take time to introduce yourself to our Patrol Officers. They are eager to get to know everyone and want neighbors to feel safe and secure in our neighborhood.

We strongly encourage you to call the new Patrol at 713-422-2770 whenever you see or encounter suspicious activity. Be sure to program the dispatch number into your cell phones. If you have questions or complaints about this service, please contact us at 713-807-1787 or

We urge you to support this service by becoming a Patrol Subscriber. The subscription fee is $400 per year.  Your subscription helps to ensure that our neighborhood is patrolled seven days a week. We are hopeful that as you get to know the officers and experience the value of this dedicated Patrol, which answers to our neighborhood only, subscriptions will increase and we will be able to provide additional hours of coverage.

Pay Online Now or mail checks to OBPOA, PO Box 541346, Houston TX 77254

SEAL Security 24-hour Dispatcher: 713-422-2770
In case of Emergency: 911
HPD non-emergency: 713-884-3131

Patrol Facts

  • The Patrol Officers are armed, private security contractors who provide value-added services such as VACATION WATCH and phone dispatch.
  • The Patrol Officers are inside our neighborhood 100% of their time, and are accountable through GPS monitoring. Their presence and ability to respond to calls immediately is a tremendous deterrent to crooks.
  • The Patrol’s daily activities include investigating suspicious vehicles and persons in the neighborhood and asking them to leave if they have no legitimate business here, chasing off solicitors, logging license plate numbers of suspicious vehicles; vacation watch service (includes checking homes 3 times per day), meeting neighbors in person and getting to know who belongs in the neighborhood and who does not, responding to calls for assistance, checking out front doors left wide open and securing swinging gates, reporting 311 issues for attention and repair by city crews, presenting new neighbors with Patrol service information.
  • To request vacation watch, visit

Prevent crime before it occurs. While the Patrol is a great crime deterrent, please do your part by following common sense crime prevention rules:

  • Keep doors, windows, and gates closed and locked at all times
  • Set your alarm when leaving your home
  • Don’t let papers or deliveries build up on your lawn and porch while you are away (a clear signal that no one is at home)
  • Always turn on your porch lights at night