Committees, Liaisons, Appointments

Beautification Committee (Annette Brown)
This committee seeks to make our neighborhood a more beautiful place in which to live. The Committee strives to coordinate closely with the Old Braeswood Park Corporation, the Tree Committee, the Preservation Committee, and the Garden Club on projects throughout our neighborhood. These project include paying for regular maintenance and trash collection of the Kirby esplanade and the Main Street esplanade, curb repair in public areas, keeping street signs and entrance pillars clean, ensuring sidewalks and ramps within ten feet of the corners stay free of mud an debris. A pilot program for permable turf was initiated in a section of the Kirby esplanade Maroneal and Glen Haven. The committee may organize neighborhood work days for trash collection and other projects. Funding is needed. Please consider making a donation through the Beautification website.

Block Captains (Christine Manca)
Block captains serve a vital role in communication with the neighborhood. They may organize block parties, distribute information to neighbors organize block parties and assist with petition drives and updating resident contact information. Contact

Cat Squad (Julie Cohn)
The Cat Squad is a volunteer based group within Old Braeswood that seeks to keep the feral cat population under control through trap and release efforts. It also raises funds for fostering kittens born to the feral cats and to help adopt them out to forever families.  For more information , click here.

Directory  (Sally Miller )
This committee coordinates publication of the Old Braeswood directory and solicits sponsors. For more information contact

Enforcement (Marcella Watkins)
This committee works with neighbors to ensure the deed restrictions are followed. Contact for more information.

Flood Control (Debra Balthazar)
Chairs of this committee bring back to Old Braeswood information from their meetings with the Bayou Preservation Association, Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy, Project Brays and the Bayou Preservation Association. To get information on flooding and drainage, contact Debra Balthazar.

Garden Club (Sherri Walsh)
This committee meets monthly to socialize and to share ideas for the beautification of Old Braeswood. In addition, it hosts a September barbecue, a December holiday dinner and an April flower show and dinner as well as guest speakers at its 6 daytime meetings held throughout the year. For more information contact the Garden Club.

Historic Preservation (Joe Manca)
This committee seeks ways to preserve the unique character of the neighborhood and its original homes through special projects and education. Meetings are held quarterly on weeknight evenings. For more information please contact Joe Manca.

Historian (Christine Manca)
Serves as neighborhood historian and provides information on preservation to interested residents. If you have any neighborhood history to share, please contact Christine.

Newsletter (Christine Manca)
The Newsletter chairperson assists in preparation and editing of the quarterly Old Braeswood News.

Parks (Erin Goldman – President, Old Braeswood Park Corp.)
In conjunction with the Old Braeswood Park Corporation, this committee oversees and contracts for park maintenance. The committee also raises funds for improvements to the park spaces in the neighborhood. Recent renovations to Old Braeswood Park, located at Maroneal and Morningside, include the completion of the wrought iron fence around the perimeter, a new play space for younger children, and swings, picnic tables, and benches. The Old Braeswood Park Corporation was formed in 2002 as a non-profit, 501c3 organization for the purpose of making improvements to this city owned park and other nearby green spaces in Old Braeswood’s public rights-of-way. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation. For more information, contact

Patrol (Ann Blackwood)
The committee is responsible for oversight and communication with our patrol provider, SEAL Security. Members may spearhead subscription drives, attend monthly meetings with HPD, and track crime statistics.

Social Events (Vanessa Ames)
This committee organizes Old Braeswood’s annual park party and neighborhood events including Night Out and the annual new neighbor coffee in March of each year.  For more information, contact

Trees for Old Braeswood (Daniel Parker)
This committee oversees the Old Braeswood’s street tree planting program, which seeks to systematically replant each street in Old Braeswood with a variety of tree species. The program is in conjunction with Trees for Houston, a non-profit 501c3 organization. Contributions to the tree program are tax-deductible. To request a specific planting or to volunteer contact Daniel.

Welcome Committee (Maribel Reuter)
This committee welcomes new neighbors to Old Braeswood and provides them with helpful information about the neighborhood and the property owner’s association. Contact Maribel for more information.